Sunday, May 3, 2015


Don't be resigned.

Don't adapt yourself to reality subserviently.

Rather, adapt the reality to yourself.

Create a stimulating vision that truly comes from the mind as clearly as possible, and determine to realize it.

Keep inspired and excited by the idea, and continue to work on it.

Don't be trapped with obstacles and compromise with the existing environment.

In fact, the reality is constantly in flux, changing moment by moment.

Our life and environment are always interacting with each other.

They both change in response to one another.

The point is whether our life is dominated by the environment or the other way round.

Obviously, a stronger side will prevail.

If our life or determination is solid, strong and vigorous, the environment will react in accordance with it.

There may be backlash and negative reactions.

But life possesses resilience to push back, redirect or even utilize the force into positive outcomes.

Open our essence to every kind of possibility and opportunity.

Trust the potential.

And, be honest and in tune with what the core of life is truly yearning for.

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