Saturday, April 27, 2013


In any places with any values, way of thinking or cultures, as long as one is sincere and kind, everything will be fine.

There may be places, where aggressiveness and cleverness are appreciated, and people vie with one another.

But, in the long run, the honest and gentle person will win.

This is a definite and unchangeable truth anywhere at any time.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


In order to achieve any dreams, hopes or projects, actions need to be concrete.

What to be done has to be dissembled into concrete pieces of actions.

They also need to be systematic.

The systematic accumulation of concrete actions is quintessential for the realization of dreams and so forth.

One needs to have both holistic and specific perspectives.

While conceiving totality of its achievement and the state of progress, one should concentrate on the completion of each specific action at each moment.

This will eventually constitute a complete colossal work as a whole.

Monday, April 15, 2013


If wondering whether try or not, just try it.

Unless starting, nothing will come out.

Imagination is nothing but imagination.

Only thinking without action produces nothing.

Whether success or failure, at least action enables something to emerge in reality.

Then, one can decide another action to turn the result towards victory.

No action produces nothing.

Actual action creates something, which is the very source of changes, that is, a chance to succeed.

A chance is something to create, not to wait for.


Don't compare oneself with others.

Don't be swayed by unfortunate circumstances.

Just focus what to be done.

Just complete them steadily.

Never be swayed by worries.

Never be swayed even by small successes.

Just be steady.

And, accumulate real and firm achievements.

Little by little, step by step, day after day.

Then, when looking back, one will have achieved something indestructible and colossal.


Don't be defeated by fears.

Don't be trapped in the exaggerated illusions of risks and failures, which are vying to dominate own mind.

Don't retreat being driven by fears.

Be steady with composure.

Clear up the mind.

Screen and sort out what to be done.

And, focus them.

There are not many necessary to be done.

Just focus and finish them one by one.

Fears would cause panic.

So, don't be swayed and deceived by the negative function of own mind.

Stay cool, and dare to be confident.

Dare to advance with cheer and laugh.

Then, the negativity will shrink and vanish.

There will be only hope, joy and the actual results of victory.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Even if failed, try again.

One may fail again.

Then still, try again.

Even if failed again, then try again.

There can be dozens of failures.

But still, possible to stand and try.

Even with hundreds of failures, still one can try again and again.

As long as keeping on trying, there is definitely the possibility of success and victory.

The only thing that prevents success is to have fear and stop it.

Just try again and again and again and again and again.

Try thousands and even million times.

As long as ceaselessly trying, one will definitely win.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Even if at a loss, at least, do something.

It is the worst not to try anything.

Action, even a trivial piece of action, becomes a source of changes.

Nothing will be born from zero.

But something can be born from one.

It can even be doubled and multiplied into dozens, hundreds, thousands and millions eventually.

Do something, at least.

This is a start.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


In order to get a clear result, make clear what to be achieved and set mind on it unequivocally.

Simply challenge and deal with it squarely.

Then, most of matters will be settled, and goals achieved.

The reason why positive results do not come out would be simply that we are not doing it properly.

Many of the time, we tend to avoid it somewhere in our minds, which causes distraction and hinders concentration.

Failure often is accompanied and indeed caused by ambiguity.

For success, clarity is a key.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Meeting people is itself interesting and exciting experience in whatever situations and reasons.

Communicating face to face generates dynamism, which induces some kind of change in both sides.

It can create something new and thus produce value, which is at times unexpected.

No matter how skilled and sophisticated one's thought may be, solitude would never produce such outcomes.

Meeting someone directly can become a catalyst for intriguing changes just like chemical reaction.

One can enjoy such interactions as opportunities to broaden one's horizon for success and growth, and to enrich the quality of own life.

By setting it as a major purpose, even a reluctant job can turn into stimulating work.